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True Stone Coffee Roasters

True Stone Blend

True Stone Blend

Regular price $19.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $19.00 USD
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Grind Preference

Taste Notes: Chocolate, Wine, Grapefruit

Roast Level: Medium

True Stone Blend – Our #1 signature blend that will leave your taste buds feeling appreciated and spoiled! This coffee gives you something no other cup guarantees: happiness in a cup. A concoction of chocolate, wine, and grapefruit notes fuse together to get your tastebuds asking for more. 

True Stone Blend takes crowd pleasers to the next level – we’re talking Rich Uncle Moneybags levels of opulence – so come get your hands on the greatest cup yet! Being our most popular blend has its benefits; you don’t even need to experience disappointment ever again because it's just that good! Trust us when we say that after you take a sip of True Stone Blend, you'll know why everyone talks about it like it's gold. Make sure your taste buds don't miss out on happiness in a cup - get yourself a bag now!

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